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Your 6- Figure

Business Blueprint Challenge


Starting Monday, November 8

The 5 Day Free 6- Figure Breakthrough

Business Blueprint LIVE Challenge

Starting Monday, November 8

Rise Up!  Accelerate the Launch and Growth of Your Business for Once and For All... With The LAST Blueprint You'll Ever Need!

For Rising Entrepreneurs already starting to Launch or Grow their 6-figure business



In just 5 Days you will have your 6-Figure Blueprint!

See what other business owners are saying about Karyn's business coaching...

Below are just a small sampling of the many incredible case studies from some of my clients over the years that have had great business results and hugely impactful personal development, leadership and team victories from working with me with my proven strategies, systems, structures and road map to success... after trying for months or years to get the same results on their own.

"The results ... are just invaluable."

“Meeting Karyn in our first meeting I knew she was a great match. She’s kind, but she is direct and she really bridged all of our gaps. The results from working with Karyn are just invaluable. In just 5 weeks she increased our cash flow by 100%, she got us on a viable business plan, and helped us with our email campaigns. She got us focused. She helped us develop our strengths, our price points. She really put us on a lucrative path to success. Thank you Karyn.”

Joy & Trish, Embracing Stillness

Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

"... fast track to success..."

"I have had the pleasure to work with Karyn and utilize her skills to help better my business. She has been instrumental in teaching us how to run a better business, manage employees better, and make sure we keep a strict "bottom line.... Working with her is like getting my MBA in 1 year! I'd HIGHLY recommend her to any business owner who is looking for a fast track to success and a resource for better business management."

Dr. Dan Shanahan, M.D., Sole Serenity Spa

Commerce, Michigan USA

Properly defining Culture is KEY!"

"“Within the first few minutes I got my golden nugget. I’d already been working on this and I realized if I fully defined my culture statements , got clear on those, then I could use them as foundations to every one of my podcasts and that would cause alignment with my values, with the culture I’m creating and building for my company, and there in turn, differentiate me from others and attract the right people to my show, my principles and my concepts, and that makes me way happier because I’m working with people that have an alignment with me. So thank you Karyn for taking the time with me and for taking the time over the number of decades to consolidate this into usable information that’s helping me directly enhance the quality of what I provide to the people that I serve."

Geoffrey Fullerton, Founder at Hotel Sales Institute


The gift of a clearly defined vision and mission...

When we have our vision and mission clearly imprinted in our mind, that we can find the voice, the voice of leadership. That by itself, Karyn, you have provided a great value to me .. so brief and yet so powerful to me. Thank you very much Karyn for that gift.

Chin Tee Lee, Founder, Executive Track Sdn Bhd


"One of the best coaches I've experienced in my business"

"I run an agency working for Superbrands...some of the biggest brands in the world. We focus on FMCG, fast moving consumer goods. The Agency is called Brand Squirrels. Some of our customers include Ben & Jerry’s, Hellmans, Knorr, Sky Television. I’m very privileged and very pleased to be recommending Karyn Kokeny as being one of the best coaches that I’ve experienced in my business whose helped me build the systems and the frameworks to help me scale and to deal with these massive companies at a global level. So thank you Karyn; I’m always pleased to be working with you.”

Andrew Phillips,

Founder & CEO of Brand Squirrels

London, UK

"Karyn teaches you HOW to fish!"

"Karyn is so incredible to work with!  She is positive, encouraging and provides real value in growing one’s business. Rather than just giving you information, she guides your thinking toward the next step. With her help, your thought process develops and then can continue on your own with business growth and success.

With my sewing business, Karyn helped me shift my thought process from the day to day workload to the bigger picture of what I want my business to be in the long term. Now, I have more people working with me and my business has increased."

Marlene Moening, Founder, Angelic Stiches LLC

Highland, Michigan USA

YOUR Time is NOW.

RISE UP! And GROW Your Business & Impact.

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  • A Clearly laid out Blueprint for your Step by Step Road Map to Launch and set up to Boost Your Leads and Sales

  • A Proven Marketing Framework so you can create Marketing Messages that capture the attention of your ideal clients and help you Prioritize Your Marketing Plans in your own Blue Ocean 

  • How to Build a Solid, Scalable Business Foundation to Stand Out from the crowd and Save You Time and Money in the long run

  • AND MORE..

  • Meet Your Mentor for a Cause,
    Karyn Kokeny

    Karyn Kokeny has been a Business Coach & Strategist since 2014. She has a BIG vision... to create a joyful, conscious world fueled by fulfilled, prosperous entrepreneurs. 

    Karyn is on a Mission to create 1,000 new 6- and multiple 6-figure Entrepreneurs. Aren't you finally ready to be one of them?!?

    Her corporate career in operations, sales, marketing and executive management taught her so much. But her schooling and corporate gig NEVER prepared her to be an entrepreneur! Can you relate?

    Karyn got sick and tired of being exhausted and of wasting so much time and money before she finally had enough and figured out how to get it right... and built a 6-figure entrepreneurial business.

    Using her 20+ years business experience, her wisdom and lessons from a lot of adversity and piecing together only the best of what works, Rising Entrepreneurs just like you are joining Karyn's movement to create a better future for themselves and their families.  

    STOP wasting time and money like Karyn did so you can finally earn what you deserve and create your thriving business for your better future. 

    With Karyn and her team's support, you are building the foundation, systems, structure, and the strategies to create multiple sources of income in your businesses and leading yourself to your better future. 

    JOIN US!

    Yours in success,

    Karyn 💗

    In just 5 Days you will have your 6-Figure Blueprint!

            YOUR Time is NOW.

    RISE UP! And GROW Your Business & Impact.


    Register Here
    Tap here to register

    Results Matter

    The Number #1 "One Stop Shop" Online Business Coaching for Rising Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Practitioners to Grow and Scale


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